Protiprachová maska - profesionálna - s 2 filtrami
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Detaily produktu
SKU | 4303045 |
EAN 13 | 8712418328264 |
Blister | Nie |
Popis produktu
You don't want to take an unnecessary risk of getting sick at work. You want to protect yourself well, for example by spraying cars. The half mask with filter protects you against these aerosols. Aerosols are gas, very small and contain dust particles or liquid droplets that will mix together. These gases are very dangerous for health and can cause an irreversible effect.
The half mask is a professional mask and features the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) feature 3. This means that the mask is suitable for professional use. It is also equipped with two type-A dust filters and is suitable for organic gases and vapors with a boiling point above 65 degrees Celsius. These cartridges are very easy to replace.
To enhance working pleasure, the mask is made of soft material and it is comfortable to wear. In addition, the mask has a headband that is adjustable, so that it is easy to adjust to your head. In addition, the mask is made in such a way that you can breathe in and out easily, without running any risks.